Module nlisim.oldmodules.molecules

Expand source code
import json
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple

import attr
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import convolve

from nlisim.module import ModuleModel, ModuleState
from nlisim.molecule import MoleculeGrid, MoleculeTypes
from nlisim.state import State
from nlisim.util import TissueType

def molecule_grid_factory(self: 'MoleculesState'):
    return MoleculeGrid(grid=self.global_state.grid)

@attr.s(kw_only=True, repr=False)
class MoleculesState(ModuleState):
    grid: MoleculeGrid = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(molecule_grid_factory, takes_self=True))
    diffusion_rate: float
    cyto_evap_m: float
    cyto_evap_n: float
    iron_max: float

class Molecules(ModuleModel):
    name = 'molecules'
    StateClass = MoleculesState

    def initialize(self, state: State):
        molecules: MoleculesState = state.molecules
        lung_tissue: np.ndarray = state.lung_tissue

        # check if the geometry array is empty
        if not np.any(lung_tissue):
            raise RuntimeError('geometry molecule has to be initialized first')

        molecules.diffusion_rate = self.config.getfloat('diffusion_rate')
        molecules.cyto_evap_m = self.config.getfloat('cyto_evap_m')
        molecules.cyto_evap_n = self.config.getfloat('cyto_evap_n')
        molecules.iron_max = self.config.getfloat('iron_max')

        molecules_config = self.config.get('molecules')
        json_config = json.loads(molecules_config)

        for molecule in json_config:
            name = molecule['name']
            init_val = molecule['init_val']
            init_loc = molecule['init_loc']

            if name not in [ for e in MoleculeTypes]:
                raise TypeError(f'Molecule {name} is not implemented yet')

            for loc in init_loc:
                if loc not in [ for e in TissueType]:
                    raise TypeError(f'Cannot find lung tissue type {loc}')


            for loc in init_loc:
                    np.where(lung_tissue == TissueType[loc].value)
                ] = init_val

            if 'source' in molecule:
                source = molecule['source']
                incr = molecule['incr']
                if source not in [ for e in TissueType]:
                    raise TypeError(f'Cannot find lung tissue type {source}')

                    np.where(lung_tissue == TissueType[init_loc[0]].value)
                ] = incr

        return state

    def advance(self, state: State, previous_time: float):
        """Advance the state by a single time step."""
        molecules: MoleculesState = state.molecules

        # iron = molecules.grid['iron']
        # with open('testfile.txt', 'w') as outfile:
        #     for data_slice in iron:
        #         np.savetxt(outfile, data_slice, fmt='%-7.2f')

        # for molecule in molecules.grid.types:
        #    self.degrade(molecules.grid[molecule])
        #    self.diffuse(molecules.grid[molecule], state.grid, state.geometry.lung_tissue)

        # self.diffuse_iron(
        #     molecules.grid['iron'], state.grid, state.geometry.lung_tissue, molecules.iron_max
        # )

        # self.degrade(molecules.grid['m_cyto'], molecules.cyto_evap_m)
        # self.diffuse(molecules.grid['m_cyto'], state.grid, state.geometry.lung_tissue)

        # self.degrade(molecules.grid['n_cyto'], molecules.cyto_evap_n)
        # self.diffuse(molecules.grid['n_cyto'], state.grid, state.geometry.lung_tissue)

        for _ in range(3):
                molecules.grid['iron'], state.geometry.lung_tissue, molecules.iron_max

            self.degrade(molecules.grid['m_cyto'], molecules.cyto_evap_m)
            self.convolution_diffusion(molecules.grid['m_cyto'], state.geometry.lung_tissue)

            self.degrade(molecules.grid['n_cyto'], molecules.cyto_evap_n)
            self.convolution_diffusion(molecules.grid['n_cyto'], state.geometry.lung_tissue)

        return state

    def convolution_diffusion(cls, molecule: np.ndarray, tissue: np.ndarray, threshold=None):
        if len(molecule.shape) != 3:
            raise ValueError(f'Expecting a 3d array. Got dim = {len(molecule.shape)}')
        weights = np.full((3, 3, 3), 1 / 27)
        molecule[:] = convolve(molecule, weights, mode='constant')

        molecule[(tissue == TissueType.AIR.value)] = 0

        if threshold:
            molecule[molecule > threshold] = threshold

    def degrade(cls, molecule: np.ndarray, evap: float):
        molecule *= 1 - evap

    # @classmethod
    # def degrade(cls, molecule: np.ndarray, evap: float):
    #     # TODO These 2 functions should be implemented for all moleculess
    #     # the rest of the behavior (uptake, secretion, etc.) should be
    #     # handled in the cell specific module.

    #     for index in np.argwhere(molecule > 0):
    #         z = index[0]
    #         y = index[1]
    #         x = index[2]

    #         molecule[z, y, x] = molecule[z, y, x] * (1 - evap)

    #     return

    # @classmethod
    # def diffuse_iron(cls, iron: np.ndarray, grid: RectangularGrid, tissue, iron_max):
    #     # TODO These 2 functions should be implemented for all moleculess
    #     # the rest of the behavior (uptake, secretion, etc.) should be
    #     # handled in the cell specific module.
    #     for index in np.argwhere(tissue == TissueTypes.BLOOD.value):
    #         iron[index[0], index[1], index[2]]
    #      = min([iron[index[0], index[1], index[2]], iron_max])

    #     temp = np.zeros(iron.shape)

    #     x_r = [-1, 0, 1]
    #     y_r = [-1, 0, 1]
    #     z_r = [-1, 0, 1]

    #     for index in np.argwhere(temp == 0):
    #         for x in x_r:
    #             for y in y_r:
    #                 for z in z_r:
    #                     zk = index[0] + z
    #                     yj = index[1] + y
    #                     xi = index[2] + x

    #                     if grid.is_valid_voxel(Voxel(x=xi, y=yj, z=zk)):
    #                         temp[index[0], index[1], index[2]] += iron[zk, yj, xi] / 26

    #         if tissue[index[0], index[1], index[2]] == TissueTypes.AIR.value:
    #             temp[index[0], index[1], index[2]] = 0

    #     iron[:] = temp[:]

    #     return

    # @classmethod
    # def diffuse(cls, molecule: np.ndarray, grid: RectangularGrid, tissue):
    #     # TODO These 2 functions should be implemented for all moleculess
    #     # the rest of the behavior (uptake, secretion, etc.) should be
    #     # handled in the cell specific module.
    #     temp = np.zeros(molecule.shape)

    #     x_r = [-1, 0, 1]
    #     y_r = [-1, 0, 1]
    #     z_r = [-1, 0, 1]

    #     for index in np.argwhere(temp == 0):
    #         for x in x_r:
    #             for y in y_r:
    #                 for z in z_r:
    #                     zk = index[0] + z
    #                     yj = index[1] + y
    #                     xi = index[2] + x

    #                     if grid.is_valid_voxel(Voxel(x=xi, y=yj, z=zk)):
    #                         temp[index[0], index[1], index[2]] += molecule[zk, yj, xi] / 26

    #         if tissue[index[0], index[1], index[2]] == TissueTypes.AIR.value:
    #             temp[index[0], index[1], index[2]] = 0

    #     molecule[:] = temp[:]

    #     return

    def summary_stats(self, state: State) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        molecules: MoleculesState = state.molecules

        m_cyto = molecules.grid['m_cyto']
        n_cyto = molecules.grid['n_cyto']
        iron = molecules.grid['iron']

        return {
            'm_cyto_max': float(np.max(m_cyto)),
            'm_cyto_min': float(np.min(m_cyto)),
            'm_cyto_mean': float(np.mean(m_cyto)),
            'n_cyto_max': float(np.max(n_cyto)),
            'n_cyto_min': float(np.min(n_cyto)),
            'n_cyto_mean': float(np.mean(n_cyto)),
            'iron_max': float(np.max(iron)),
            'iron_min': float(np.min(iron)),
            'iron_mean': float(np.mean(iron)),

    def visualization_data(self, state: State) -> Tuple[str, Any]:
        return 'molecule', state.molecules


def molecule_grid_factory(self: MoleculesState)
Expand source code
def molecule_grid_factory(self: 'MoleculesState'):
    return MoleculeGrid(grid=self.global_state.grid)


class Molecules (config: SimulationConfig)
Expand source code
class Molecules(ModuleModel):
    name = 'molecules'
    StateClass = MoleculesState

    def initialize(self, state: State):
        molecules: MoleculesState = state.molecules
        lung_tissue: np.ndarray = state.lung_tissue

        # check if the geometry array is empty
        if not np.any(lung_tissue):
            raise RuntimeError('geometry molecule has to be initialized first')

        molecules.diffusion_rate = self.config.getfloat('diffusion_rate')
        molecules.cyto_evap_m = self.config.getfloat('cyto_evap_m')
        molecules.cyto_evap_n = self.config.getfloat('cyto_evap_n')
        molecules.iron_max = self.config.getfloat('iron_max')

        molecules_config = self.config.get('molecules')
        json_config = json.loads(molecules_config)

        for molecule in json_config:
            name = molecule['name']
            init_val = molecule['init_val']
            init_loc = molecule['init_loc']

            if name not in [ for e in MoleculeTypes]:
                raise TypeError(f'Molecule {name} is not implemented yet')

            for loc in init_loc:
                if loc not in [ for e in TissueType]:
                    raise TypeError(f'Cannot find lung tissue type {loc}')


            for loc in init_loc:
                    np.where(lung_tissue == TissueType[loc].value)
                ] = init_val

            if 'source' in molecule:
                source = molecule['source']
                incr = molecule['incr']
                if source not in [ for e in TissueType]:
                    raise TypeError(f'Cannot find lung tissue type {source}')

                    np.where(lung_tissue == TissueType[init_loc[0]].value)
                ] = incr

        return state

    def advance(self, state: State, previous_time: float):
        """Advance the state by a single time step."""
        molecules: MoleculesState = state.molecules

        # iron = molecules.grid['iron']
        # with open('testfile.txt', 'w') as outfile:
        #     for data_slice in iron:
        #         np.savetxt(outfile, data_slice, fmt='%-7.2f')

        # for molecule in molecules.grid.types:
        #    self.degrade(molecules.grid[molecule])
        #    self.diffuse(molecules.grid[molecule], state.grid, state.geometry.lung_tissue)

        # self.diffuse_iron(
        #     molecules.grid['iron'], state.grid, state.geometry.lung_tissue, molecules.iron_max
        # )

        # self.degrade(molecules.grid['m_cyto'], molecules.cyto_evap_m)
        # self.diffuse(molecules.grid['m_cyto'], state.grid, state.geometry.lung_tissue)

        # self.degrade(molecules.grid['n_cyto'], molecules.cyto_evap_n)
        # self.diffuse(molecules.grid['n_cyto'], state.grid, state.geometry.lung_tissue)

        for _ in range(3):
                molecules.grid['iron'], state.geometry.lung_tissue, molecules.iron_max

            self.degrade(molecules.grid['m_cyto'], molecules.cyto_evap_m)
            self.convolution_diffusion(molecules.grid['m_cyto'], state.geometry.lung_tissue)

            self.degrade(molecules.grid['n_cyto'], molecules.cyto_evap_n)
            self.convolution_diffusion(molecules.grid['n_cyto'], state.geometry.lung_tissue)

        return state

    def convolution_diffusion(cls, molecule: np.ndarray, tissue: np.ndarray, threshold=None):
        if len(molecule.shape) != 3:
            raise ValueError(f'Expecting a 3d array. Got dim = {len(molecule.shape)}')
        weights = np.full((3, 3, 3), 1 / 27)
        molecule[:] = convolve(molecule, weights, mode='constant')

        molecule[(tissue == TissueType.AIR.value)] = 0

        if threshold:
            molecule[molecule > threshold] = threshold

    def degrade(cls, molecule: np.ndarray, evap: float):
        molecule *= 1 - evap

    # @classmethod
    # def degrade(cls, molecule: np.ndarray, evap: float):
    #     # TODO These 2 functions should be implemented for all moleculess
    #     # the rest of the behavior (uptake, secretion, etc.) should be
    #     # handled in the cell specific module.

    #     for index in np.argwhere(molecule > 0):
    #         z = index[0]
    #         y = index[1]
    #         x = index[2]

    #         molecule[z, y, x] = molecule[z, y, x] * (1 - evap)

    #     return

    # @classmethod
    # def diffuse_iron(cls, iron: np.ndarray, grid: RectangularGrid, tissue, iron_max):
    #     # TODO These 2 functions should be implemented for all moleculess
    #     # the rest of the behavior (uptake, secretion, etc.) should be
    #     # handled in the cell specific module.
    #     for index in np.argwhere(tissue == TissueTypes.BLOOD.value):
    #         iron[index[0], index[1], index[2]]
    #      = min([iron[index[0], index[1], index[2]], iron_max])

    #     temp = np.zeros(iron.shape)

    #     x_r = [-1, 0, 1]
    #     y_r = [-1, 0, 1]
    #     z_r = [-1, 0, 1]

    #     for index in np.argwhere(temp == 0):
    #         for x in x_r:
    #             for y in y_r:
    #                 for z in z_r:
    #                     zk = index[0] + z
    #                     yj = index[1] + y
    #                     xi = index[2] + x

    #                     if grid.is_valid_voxel(Voxel(x=xi, y=yj, z=zk)):
    #                         temp[index[0], index[1], index[2]] += iron[zk, yj, xi] / 26

    #         if tissue[index[0], index[1], index[2]] == TissueTypes.AIR.value:
    #             temp[index[0], index[1], index[2]] = 0

    #     iron[:] = temp[:]

    #     return

    # @classmethod
    # def diffuse(cls, molecule: np.ndarray, grid: RectangularGrid, tissue):
    #     # TODO These 2 functions should be implemented for all moleculess
    #     # the rest of the behavior (uptake, secretion, etc.) should be
    #     # handled in the cell specific module.
    #     temp = np.zeros(molecule.shape)

    #     x_r = [-1, 0, 1]
    #     y_r = [-1, 0, 1]
    #     z_r = [-1, 0, 1]

    #     for index in np.argwhere(temp == 0):
    #         for x in x_r:
    #             for y in y_r:
    #                 for z in z_r:
    #                     zk = index[0] + z
    #                     yj = index[1] + y
    #                     xi = index[2] + x

    #                     if grid.is_valid_voxel(Voxel(x=xi, y=yj, z=zk)):
    #                         temp[index[0], index[1], index[2]] += molecule[zk, yj, xi] / 26

    #         if tissue[index[0], index[1], index[2]] == TissueTypes.AIR.value:
    #             temp[index[0], index[1], index[2]] = 0

    #     molecule[:] = temp[:]

    #     return

    def summary_stats(self, state: State) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        molecules: MoleculesState = state.molecules

        m_cyto = molecules.grid['m_cyto']
        n_cyto = molecules.grid['n_cyto']
        iron = molecules.grid['iron']

        return {
            'm_cyto_max': float(np.max(m_cyto)),
            'm_cyto_min': float(np.min(m_cyto)),
            'm_cyto_mean': float(np.mean(m_cyto)),
            'n_cyto_max': float(np.max(n_cyto)),
            'n_cyto_min': float(np.min(n_cyto)),
            'n_cyto_mean': float(np.mean(n_cyto)),
            'iron_max': float(np.max(iron)),
            'iron_min': float(np.min(iron)),
            'iron_mean': float(np.mean(iron)),

    def visualization_data(self, state: State) -> Tuple[str, Any]:
        return 'molecule', state.molecules


Static methods

def convolution_diffusion(molecule: numpy.ndarray, tissue: numpy.ndarray, threshold=None)
Expand source code
def convolution_diffusion(cls, molecule: np.ndarray, tissue: np.ndarray, threshold=None):
    if len(molecule.shape) != 3:
        raise ValueError(f'Expecting a 3d array. Got dim = {len(molecule.shape)}')
    weights = np.full((3, 3, 3), 1 / 27)
    molecule[:] = convolve(molecule, weights, mode='constant')

    molecule[(tissue == TissueType.AIR.value)] = 0

    if threshold:
        molecule[molecule > threshold] = threshold
def degrade(molecule: numpy.ndarray, evap: float)
Expand source code
def degrade(cls, molecule: np.ndarray, evap: float):
    molecule *= 1 - evap


def advance(self, state: State, previous_time: float)

Advance the state by a single time step.

Expand source code
def advance(self, state: State, previous_time: float):
    """Advance the state by a single time step."""
    molecules: MoleculesState = state.molecules

    # iron = molecules.grid['iron']
    # with open('testfile.txt', 'w') as outfile:
    #     for data_slice in iron:
    #         np.savetxt(outfile, data_slice, fmt='%-7.2f')

    # for molecule in molecules.grid.types:
    #    self.degrade(molecules.grid[molecule])
    #    self.diffuse(molecules.grid[molecule], state.grid, state.geometry.lung_tissue)

    # self.diffuse_iron(
    #     molecules.grid['iron'], state.grid, state.geometry.lung_tissue, molecules.iron_max
    # )

    # self.degrade(molecules.grid['m_cyto'], molecules.cyto_evap_m)
    # self.diffuse(molecules.grid['m_cyto'], state.grid, state.geometry.lung_tissue)

    # self.degrade(molecules.grid['n_cyto'], molecules.cyto_evap_n)
    # self.diffuse(molecules.grid['n_cyto'], state.grid, state.geometry.lung_tissue)

    for _ in range(3):
            molecules.grid['iron'], state.geometry.lung_tissue, molecules.iron_max

        self.degrade(molecules.grid['m_cyto'], molecules.cyto_evap_m)
        self.convolution_diffusion(molecules.grid['m_cyto'], state.geometry.lung_tissue)

        self.degrade(molecules.grid['n_cyto'], molecules.cyto_evap_n)
        self.convolution_diffusion(molecules.grid['n_cyto'], state.geometry.lung_tissue)

    return state

Inherited members

class MoleculesState (*, global_state: State, grid: MoleculeGrid = NOTHING)

Base type intended to store the state for simulation modules.

This class contains serialization support for basic types (float, int, str, bool) and numpy arrays of those types. Modules containing more complicated state must override the serialization mechanism with custom behavior.

Method generated by attrs for class MoleculesState.

Expand source code
class MoleculesState(ModuleState):
    grid: MoleculeGrid = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(molecule_grid_factory, takes_self=True))
    diffusion_rate: float
    cyto_evap_m: float
    cyto_evap_n: float
    iron_max: float


Class variables

var cyto_evap_m : float
var cyto_evap_n : float
var diffusion_rate : float
var gridMoleculeGrid
var iron_max : float

Inherited members