Module nlisim.oldmodules.epithelium

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from enum import IntEnum
import itertools
from random import shuffle
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple

import attr
import numpy as np

from nlisim.cell import CellData, CellList
from nlisim.coordinates import Point, Voxel
from nlisim.grid import RectangularGrid
from nlisim.module import ModuleModel, ModuleState
from nlisim.oldmodules.fungus import FungusCellData, FungusCellList
from nlisim.random import rg
from nlisim.state import State
from nlisim.util import TissueType


class EpitheliumCellData(CellData):

    class Status(IntEnum):
        INACTIVE = 0
        INACTIVATING = 1
        RESTING = 2
        ACTIVATING = 3
        ACTIVE = 4
        APOPTOTIC = 5
        NECROTIC = 6
        DEAD = 7

        ('status', 'u1'),
        ('iron_pool', 'f8'),
        ('iteration', 'i4'),
        ('phagosome', (np.int32, MAX_CONIDIA)),

    dtype = np.dtype(CellData.FIELDS + PHAGOCYTE_FIELDS, align=True)  # type: ignore

    def create_cell_tuple(
        iron_pool: float = 0,
        status: Status = Status.RESTING,
    ) -> Tuple:
        iteration = 0
        phagosome = np.empty(MAX_PHAGOSOME_LENGTH)
        return CellData.create_cell_tuple(**kwargs) + (

@attr.s(kw_only=True, frozen=True, repr=False)
class EpitheliumCellList(CellList):
    CellDataClass = EpitheliumCellData

    def len_phagosome(self, index):
        cell = self[index]
        return len(np.argwhere(cell['phagosome'] != -1))

    def append_to_phagosome(self, index, pathogen_index, max_size):
        cell = self[index]
        index_to_append = EpitheliumCellList.len_phagosome(self, index)
        if (
            index_to_append < MAX_PHAGOSOME_LENGTH
            and index_to_append < max_size
            and pathogen_index not in cell['phagosome']
            cell['phagosome'][index_to_append] = pathogen_index
            return True
            return False

    def remove_from_phagosome(self, index, pathogen_index):
        phagosome = self[index]['phagosome']
        if pathogen_index in phagosome:
            itemindex = np.argwhere(phagosome == pathogen_index)[0][0]
            size = EpitheliumCellList.len_phagosome(self, index)
            if itemindex == size - 1:
                # full phagosome
                phagosome[itemindex] = -1
                return True
                phagosome[itemindex:-1] = phagosome[itemindex + 1 :]
                phagosome[-1] = -1
                return True
            return False

    def clear_all_phagosome(self, index, fungus: FungusCellList):
        for i in range(0, self.len_phagosome(index)):
            f_index = self[index]['phagosome'][i]
            fungus[f_index]['internalized'] = False

    def internalize_conidia(self, e_det, max_spores, p_in, grid, spores: FungusCellList):
        for i in self.alive():
            cell = self[i]
            vox = grid.get_voxel(cell['point'])

            # Moore neighborhood, but order partially randomized. Closest to furthest order, but
            # the order of any set of points of equal distance is random
            neighborhood = list(itertools.product(tuple(range(-1 * e_det, e_det + 1)), repeat=3))
            neighborhood = sorted(neighborhood, key=lambda v: v[0] ** 2 + v[1] ** 2 + v[2] ** 2)

            for dx, dy, dz in neighborhood:
                zi = vox.z + dz
                yj = vox.y + dy
                xk = vox.x + dx
                if grid.is_valid_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi)):
                    index_arr = spores.get_cells_in_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi))
                    for index in index_arr:
                        if (
                            spores[index]['form'] == FungusCellData.Form.CONIDIA
                            and not spores[index]['internalized']
                            and p_in > rg.random()
                            spores[index]['internalized'] = True
                            if self.append_to_phagosome(i, index, max_spores):
                                spores[index]['mobile'] = False
                                spores[index]['internalized'] = False

    def remove_dead_fungus(self, spores):
        for epi_index in self.alive():
            for ii in range(0, self.len_phagosome(epi_index)):
                index = self[epi_index]['phagosome'][ii]
                if spores[index]['dead']:
                    self.remove_from_phagosome(epi_index, index)

    def cytokine_update(self, s_det, h_det, cyto_rate, m_cyto, n_cyto, fungus, grid):
        for i in self.alive():
            vox = grid.get_voxel(self[i]['point'])

            # spores
            spore_count = 0

            # Moore neighborhood
            neighborhood = tuple(itertools.product(tuple(range(-1 * s_det, s_det + 1)), repeat=3))

            for dx, dy, dz in neighborhood:
                zi = vox.z + dz
                yj = vox.y + dy
                xk = vox.x + dx
                if grid.is_valid_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi)):
                    index_arr = fungus.get_cells_in_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi))
                    for index in index_arr:
                        if fungus[index]['form'] == FungusCellData.Form.CONIDIA and fungus[index][
                        ] in [
                            spore_count += 1

            # hyphae_count
            hyphae_count = 0

            # Moore neighborhood
            neighborhood = tuple(itertools.product(tuple(range(-1 * h_det, h_det + 1)), repeat=3))

            for dx, dy, dz in neighborhood:
                zi = vox.z + dz
                yj = vox.y + dy
                xk = vox.x + dx
                if grid.is_valid_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi)):
                    index_arr = fungus.get_cells_in_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi))
                    for index in index_arr:
                        if fungus[index]['form'] == FungusCellData.Form.HYPHAE:
                            hyphae_count += 1

            m_cyto[vox.z, vox.y, vox.x] += cyto_rate * spore_count
            n_cyto[vox.z, vox.y, vox.x] += cyto_rate * (spore_count + hyphae_count)

    def damage(self, kill, t, health, fungus):
        for i in self.alive():
            cell = self[i]
            for ii in range(0, self.len_phagosome(i)):
                index = cell['phagosome'][ii]
                fungus[index]['health'] = fungus[index]['health'] - (health * (t / kill))

    def die_by_germination(self, spores):
        for index in self.alive():
            e_cell = self[index]
            for ii in range(0, self.len_phagosome(index)):
                spore_index = e_cell['phagosome'][ii]
                if spores[spore_index]['status'] == FungusCellData.Status.GERMINATED:
                    e_cell['dead'] = True
                    self.clear_all_phagosome(index, spores)

def cell_list_factory(self: 'EpitheliumState'):
    return EpitheliumCellList(grid=self.global_state.grid)

class EpitheliumState(ModuleState):
    cells: EpitheliumCellList = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(cell_list_factory, takes_self=True))
    init_health: float
    e_kill: float
    cyto_rate: float
    s_det: int
    h_det: int
    time_e: float
    max_conidia_in_phag: int
    p_internalization: float

class Epithelium(ModuleModel):
    name = 'epithelium'

    StateClass = EpitheliumState

    def initialize(self, state: State):
        epithelium: EpitheliumState = state.epithelium
        grid: RectangularGrid = state.grid
        tissue = state.geometry.lung_tissue

        epithelium.init_health = self.config.getfloat('init_health')
        epithelium.e_kill = self.config.getfloat('e_kill')
        epithelium.cyto_rate = self.config.getfloat('cyto_rate')
        epithelium.s_det = self.config.getint('s_det')
        epithelium.h_det = self.config.getint('h_det')
        epithelium.time_e = self.config.getfloat('time_e')
        epithelium.max_conidia_in_phag = self.config.getint('max_conidia_in_phag')
        epithelium.cells = EpitheliumCellList(grid=grid)
        epithelium.p_internalization = self.config.getfloat('p_internalization')

        indices = np.argwhere(tissue == TissueType.EPITHELIUM.value)

        for i in range(0, len(indices)):
            x = grid.x[indices[i][2]]
            y = grid.y[indices[i][1]]
            z = grid.z[indices[i][0]]

            point = Point(x=x, y=y, z=z)


        return state

    def advance(self, state: State, previous_time: float):
        epi: EpitheliumState = state.epithelium
        cells = epi.cells

        grid: RectangularGrid = state.grid

        spores = state.fungus.cells
        health =

        m_cyto = state.molecules.grid['m_cyto']
        n_cyto = state.molecules.grid['n_cyto']

        # internalize
        if len(spores.alive(spores.cell_data['form'] == FungusCellData.Form.CONIDIA)) > 0:
                epi.s_det, epi.max_conidia_in_phag, epi.p_internalization, grid, spores

        # remove killed spores from phagosome

        # produce cytokines
        cells.cytokine_update(epi.s_det, epi.h_det, epi.cyto_rate, m_cyto, n_cyto, spores, grid)

        # damage internalized spores
        cells.damage(epi.e_kill, epi.time_e, health, spores)

        # kill epithelium with germinated spore in its phagosome

        return state

    def summary_stats(self, state: State) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        epi: EpitheliumState = state.epithelium

        return {
            'count': len(epi.cells.alive()),

    def visualization_data(self, state: State) -> Tuple[str, Any]:
        return 'cells', state.epithelium.cells


def cell_list_factory(self: EpitheliumState)
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def cell_list_factory(self: 'EpitheliumState'):
    return EpitheliumCellList(grid=self.global_state.grid)


class Epithelium (config: SimulationConfig)
Expand source code
class Epithelium(ModuleModel):
    name = 'epithelium'

    StateClass = EpitheliumState

    def initialize(self, state: State):
        epithelium: EpitheliumState = state.epithelium
        grid: RectangularGrid = state.grid
        tissue = state.geometry.lung_tissue

        epithelium.init_health = self.config.getfloat('init_health')
        epithelium.e_kill = self.config.getfloat('e_kill')
        epithelium.cyto_rate = self.config.getfloat('cyto_rate')
        epithelium.s_det = self.config.getint('s_det')
        epithelium.h_det = self.config.getint('h_det')
        epithelium.time_e = self.config.getfloat('time_e')
        epithelium.max_conidia_in_phag = self.config.getint('max_conidia_in_phag')
        epithelium.cells = EpitheliumCellList(grid=grid)
        epithelium.p_internalization = self.config.getfloat('p_internalization')

        indices = np.argwhere(tissue == TissueType.EPITHELIUM.value)

        for i in range(0, len(indices)):
            x = grid.x[indices[i][2]]
            y = grid.y[indices[i][1]]
            z = grid.z[indices[i][0]]

            point = Point(x=x, y=y, z=z)


        return state

    def advance(self, state: State, previous_time: float):
        epi: EpitheliumState = state.epithelium
        cells = epi.cells

        grid: RectangularGrid = state.grid

        spores = state.fungus.cells
        health =

        m_cyto = state.molecules.grid['m_cyto']
        n_cyto = state.molecules.grid['n_cyto']

        # internalize
        if len(spores.alive(spores.cell_data['form'] == FungusCellData.Form.CONIDIA)) > 0:
                epi.s_det, epi.max_conidia_in_phag, epi.p_internalization, grid, spores

        # remove killed spores from phagosome

        # produce cytokines
        cells.cytokine_update(epi.s_det, epi.h_det, epi.cyto_rate, m_cyto, n_cyto, spores, grid)

        # damage internalized spores
        cells.damage(epi.e_kill, epi.time_e, health, spores)

        # kill epithelium with germinated spore in its phagosome

        return state

    def summary_stats(self, state: State) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        epi: EpitheliumState = state.epithelium

        return {
            'count': len(epi.cells.alive()),

    def visualization_data(self, state: State) -> Tuple[str, Any]:
        return 'cells', state.epithelium.cells


Inherited members

class EpitheliumCellData (arg: Union[int, Iterable[ForwardRef('CellData')]], initialize: bool = False, **kwargs)

A low-level data contain for an array cells.

This class is a subtype of numpy.recarray containing the lowest level representation of a list of "cells" in a simulation. The underlying data format of this type are identical to a simple array of C structures with the fields given in the static "dtype" variable.

The base class contains only a single coordinate representing the location of the center of the cell. Most implementations will want to override this class to append more fields. Subclasses must also override the base implementation of create_cell to construct a single record containing the additional fields.

For example, the following derived class adds an addition floating point value associated with each cell.

class DerivedCell(CellData):
    FIELDS = CellData.FIELDS + [
        ('iron_content', 'f8')

    dtype = np.dtype(CellData.FIELDS, align=True)

    def create_cell_tuple(cls, iron_content=0, **kwargs) -> Tuple:
        return CellData.create_cell_tuple(**kwargs) + (iron_content,)
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class EpitheliumCellData(CellData):

    class Status(IntEnum):
        INACTIVE = 0
        INACTIVATING = 1
        RESTING = 2
        ACTIVATING = 3
        ACTIVE = 4
        APOPTOTIC = 5
        NECROTIC = 6
        DEAD = 7

        ('status', 'u1'),
        ('iron_pool', 'f8'),
        ('iteration', 'i4'),
        ('phagosome', (np.int32, MAX_CONIDIA)),

    dtype = np.dtype(CellData.FIELDS + PHAGOCYTE_FIELDS, align=True)  # type: ignore

    def create_cell_tuple(
        iron_pool: float = 0,
        status: Status = Status.RESTING,
    ) -> Tuple:
        iteration = 0
        phagosome = np.empty(MAX_PHAGOSOME_LENGTH)
        return CellData.create_cell_tuple(**kwargs) + (


Class variables

var Status

An enumeration.

Inherited members

class EpitheliumCellList (*, grid: RectangularGrid, max_cells: int = 1000000, cell_data: CellData = NOTHING)

A python view on top of a CellData array.

This class represents a pythonic interface to the data contained in a CellData array. Because the CellData class is a low-level object, it does not allow dynamically appending new elements. Objects of this class get around this limitation by pre-allocating a large block of memory that is transparently available. User-facing properties are sliced to make it appear as if the extra data is not there.

Subclassed types are expected to set the CellDataClass attribute to a subclass of CellData. This provides information about the underlying low-level array.


grid : simulation.grid.RectangularGrid
max_cells : int, optional
cells : simulation.cell.CellData, optional

Method generated by attrs for class EpitheliumCellList.

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class EpitheliumCellList(CellList):
    CellDataClass = EpitheliumCellData

    def len_phagosome(self, index):
        cell = self[index]
        return len(np.argwhere(cell['phagosome'] != -1))

    def append_to_phagosome(self, index, pathogen_index, max_size):
        cell = self[index]
        index_to_append = EpitheliumCellList.len_phagosome(self, index)
        if (
            index_to_append < MAX_PHAGOSOME_LENGTH
            and index_to_append < max_size
            and pathogen_index not in cell['phagosome']
            cell['phagosome'][index_to_append] = pathogen_index
            return True
            return False

    def remove_from_phagosome(self, index, pathogen_index):
        phagosome = self[index]['phagosome']
        if pathogen_index in phagosome:
            itemindex = np.argwhere(phagosome == pathogen_index)[0][0]
            size = EpitheliumCellList.len_phagosome(self, index)
            if itemindex == size - 1:
                # full phagosome
                phagosome[itemindex] = -1
                return True
                phagosome[itemindex:-1] = phagosome[itemindex + 1 :]
                phagosome[-1] = -1
                return True
            return False

    def clear_all_phagosome(self, index, fungus: FungusCellList):
        for i in range(0, self.len_phagosome(index)):
            f_index = self[index]['phagosome'][i]
            fungus[f_index]['internalized'] = False

    def internalize_conidia(self, e_det, max_spores, p_in, grid, spores: FungusCellList):
        for i in self.alive():
            cell = self[i]
            vox = grid.get_voxel(cell['point'])

            # Moore neighborhood, but order partially randomized. Closest to furthest order, but
            # the order of any set of points of equal distance is random
            neighborhood = list(itertools.product(tuple(range(-1 * e_det, e_det + 1)), repeat=3))
            neighborhood = sorted(neighborhood, key=lambda v: v[0] ** 2 + v[1] ** 2 + v[2] ** 2)

            for dx, dy, dz in neighborhood:
                zi = vox.z + dz
                yj = vox.y + dy
                xk = vox.x + dx
                if grid.is_valid_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi)):
                    index_arr = spores.get_cells_in_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi))
                    for index in index_arr:
                        if (
                            spores[index]['form'] == FungusCellData.Form.CONIDIA
                            and not spores[index]['internalized']
                            and p_in > rg.random()
                            spores[index]['internalized'] = True
                            if self.append_to_phagosome(i, index, max_spores):
                                spores[index]['mobile'] = False
                                spores[index]['internalized'] = False

    def remove_dead_fungus(self, spores):
        for epi_index in self.alive():
            for ii in range(0, self.len_phagosome(epi_index)):
                index = self[epi_index]['phagosome'][ii]
                if spores[index]['dead']:
                    self.remove_from_phagosome(epi_index, index)

    def cytokine_update(self, s_det, h_det, cyto_rate, m_cyto, n_cyto, fungus, grid):
        for i in self.alive():
            vox = grid.get_voxel(self[i]['point'])

            # spores
            spore_count = 0

            # Moore neighborhood
            neighborhood = tuple(itertools.product(tuple(range(-1 * s_det, s_det + 1)), repeat=3))

            for dx, dy, dz in neighborhood:
                zi = vox.z + dz
                yj = vox.y + dy
                xk = vox.x + dx
                if grid.is_valid_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi)):
                    index_arr = fungus.get_cells_in_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi))
                    for index in index_arr:
                        if fungus[index]['form'] == FungusCellData.Form.CONIDIA and fungus[index][
                        ] in [
                            spore_count += 1

            # hyphae_count
            hyphae_count = 0

            # Moore neighborhood
            neighborhood = tuple(itertools.product(tuple(range(-1 * h_det, h_det + 1)), repeat=3))

            for dx, dy, dz in neighborhood:
                zi = vox.z + dz
                yj = vox.y + dy
                xk = vox.x + dx
                if grid.is_valid_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi)):
                    index_arr = fungus.get_cells_in_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi))
                    for index in index_arr:
                        if fungus[index]['form'] == FungusCellData.Form.HYPHAE:
                            hyphae_count += 1

            m_cyto[vox.z, vox.y, vox.x] += cyto_rate * spore_count
            n_cyto[vox.z, vox.y, vox.x] += cyto_rate * (spore_count + hyphae_count)

    def damage(self, kill, t, health, fungus):
        for i in self.alive():
            cell = self[i]
            for ii in range(0, self.len_phagosome(i)):
                index = cell['phagosome'][ii]
                fungus[index]['health'] = fungus[index]['health'] - (health * (t / kill))

    def die_by_germination(self, spores):
        for index in self.alive():
            e_cell = self[index]
            for ii in range(0, self.len_phagosome(index)):
                spore_index = e_cell['phagosome'][ii]
                if spores[spore_index]['status'] == FungusCellData.Status.GERMINATED:
                    e_cell['dead'] = True
                    self.clear_all_phagosome(index, spores)


Class variables

var gridRectangularGrid
var max_cells : int


def append_to_phagosome(self, index, pathogen_index, max_size)
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def append_to_phagosome(self, index, pathogen_index, max_size):
    cell = self[index]
    index_to_append = EpitheliumCellList.len_phagosome(self, index)
    if (
        index_to_append < MAX_PHAGOSOME_LENGTH
        and index_to_append < max_size
        and pathogen_index not in cell['phagosome']
        cell['phagosome'][index_to_append] = pathogen_index
        return True
        return False
def clear_all_phagosome(self, index, fungus: FungusCellList)
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def clear_all_phagosome(self, index, fungus: FungusCellList):
    for i in range(0, self.len_phagosome(index)):
        f_index = self[index]['phagosome'][i]
        fungus[f_index]['internalized'] = False
def cytokine_update(self, s_det, h_det, cyto_rate, m_cyto, n_cyto, fungus, grid)
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def cytokine_update(self, s_det, h_det, cyto_rate, m_cyto, n_cyto, fungus, grid):
    for i in self.alive():
        vox = grid.get_voxel(self[i]['point'])

        # spores
        spore_count = 0

        # Moore neighborhood
        neighborhood = tuple(itertools.product(tuple(range(-1 * s_det, s_det + 1)), repeat=3))

        for dx, dy, dz in neighborhood:
            zi = vox.z + dz
            yj = vox.y + dy
            xk = vox.x + dx
            if grid.is_valid_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi)):
                index_arr = fungus.get_cells_in_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi))
                for index in index_arr:
                    if fungus[index]['form'] == FungusCellData.Form.CONIDIA and fungus[index][
                    ] in [
                        spore_count += 1

        # hyphae_count
        hyphae_count = 0

        # Moore neighborhood
        neighborhood = tuple(itertools.product(tuple(range(-1 * h_det, h_det + 1)), repeat=3))

        for dx, dy, dz in neighborhood:
            zi = vox.z + dz
            yj = vox.y + dy
            xk = vox.x + dx
            if grid.is_valid_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi)):
                index_arr = fungus.get_cells_in_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi))
                for index in index_arr:
                    if fungus[index]['form'] == FungusCellData.Form.HYPHAE:
                        hyphae_count += 1

        m_cyto[vox.z, vox.y, vox.x] += cyto_rate * spore_count
        n_cyto[vox.z, vox.y, vox.x] += cyto_rate * (spore_count + hyphae_count)
def damage(self, kill, t, health, fungus)
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def damage(self, kill, t, health, fungus):
    for i in self.alive():
        cell = self[i]
        for ii in range(0, self.len_phagosome(i)):
            index = cell['phagosome'][ii]
            fungus[index]['health'] = fungus[index]['health'] - (health * (t / kill))
def die_by_germination(self, spores)
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def die_by_germination(self, spores):
    for index in self.alive():
        e_cell = self[index]
        for ii in range(0, self.len_phagosome(index)):
            spore_index = e_cell['phagosome'][ii]
            if spores[spore_index]['status'] == FungusCellData.Status.GERMINATED:
                e_cell['dead'] = True
                self.clear_all_phagosome(index, spores)
def internalize_conidia(self, e_det, max_spores, p_in, grid, spores: FungusCellList)
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def internalize_conidia(self, e_det, max_spores, p_in, grid, spores: FungusCellList):
    for i in self.alive():
        cell = self[i]
        vox = grid.get_voxel(cell['point'])

        # Moore neighborhood, but order partially randomized. Closest to furthest order, but
        # the order of any set of points of equal distance is random
        neighborhood = list(itertools.product(tuple(range(-1 * e_det, e_det + 1)), repeat=3))
        neighborhood = sorted(neighborhood, key=lambda v: v[0] ** 2 + v[1] ** 2 + v[2] ** 2)

        for dx, dy, dz in neighborhood:
            zi = vox.z + dz
            yj = vox.y + dy
            xk = vox.x + dx
            if grid.is_valid_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi)):
                index_arr = spores.get_cells_in_voxel(Voxel(x=xk, y=yj, z=zi))
                for index in index_arr:
                    if (
                        spores[index]['form'] == FungusCellData.Form.CONIDIA
                        and not spores[index]['internalized']
                        and p_in > rg.random()
                        spores[index]['internalized'] = True
                        if self.append_to_phagosome(i, index, max_spores):
                            spores[index]['mobile'] = False
                            spores[index]['internalized'] = False
def len_phagosome(self, index)
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def len_phagosome(self, index):
    cell = self[index]
    return len(np.argwhere(cell['phagosome'] != -1))
def remove_dead_fungus(self, spores)
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def remove_dead_fungus(self, spores):
    for epi_index in self.alive():
        for ii in range(0, self.len_phagosome(epi_index)):
            index = self[epi_index]['phagosome'][ii]
            if spores[index]['dead']:
                self.remove_from_phagosome(epi_index, index)
def remove_from_phagosome(self, index, pathogen_index)
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def remove_from_phagosome(self, index, pathogen_index):
    phagosome = self[index]['phagosome']
    if pathogen_index in phagosome:
        itemindex = np.argwhere(phagosome == pathogen_index)[0][0]
        size = EpitheliumCellList.len_phagosome(self, index)
        if itemindex == size - 1:
            # full phagosome
            phagosome[itemindex] = -1
            return True
            phagosome[itemindex:-1] = phagosome[itemindex + 1 :]
            phagosome[-1] = -1
            return True
        return False

Inherited members

class EpitheliumState (*, global_state: State, cells: EpitheliumCellList = NOTHING)

Base type intended to store the state for simulation modules.

This class contains serialization support for basic types (float, int, str, bool) and numpy arrays of those types. Modules containing more complicated state must override the serialization mechanism with custom behavior.

Method generated by attrs for class EpitheliumState.

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class EpitheliumState(ModuleState):
    cells: EpitheliumCellList = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(cell_list_factory, takes_self=True))
    init_health: float
    e_kill: float
    cyto_rate: float
    s_det: int
    h_det: int
    time_e: float
    max_conidia_in_phag: int
    p_internalization: float


Class variables

var cellsEpitheliumCellList
var cyto_rate : float
var e_kill : float
var h_det : int
var init_health : float
var max_conidia_in_phag : int
var p_internalization : float
var s_det : int
var time_e : float

Inherited members