Package nlisim

A multiscale simulation framework of Aspergillus fumigatus.



While not required, it is recommended you use pipenv to create an isolated environment for running and developing. To do so, run

pipenv install --dev

See pipenv for details. Once this is done, you can run pipenv shell to enter the newly created environment.


Run with Python virtual environment

With the simulation package installed, you should have a new command-line program called nlisim available. Try running nlisim --help to get more information. To run a simulation, you will need configure a configuration. There is an example configuration in the repository to get you started.

Now run simulation up to 50 hours using the first example config:

nlisim --config config.ini run 50

Run with Docker

As an alternative to local installation, the simulation may be run within a Docker container. This will download the simulation code from the latest published version.

To run the same simulation up to 50 hours using the first example config:

mkdir -p output
docker run \
    --rm \
    --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/config.ini.example",destination=/opt/nlisim/config.ini,readonly \
    --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/output/",destination=/opt/nlisim/output/ \
    nutritionallungimmunity/nlisim run 50

You should now have files like output/simulation-000001.000.hdf5 containing the simulation state at 1 hour intervals through the full simulation.

Note, since the application requires read access to files, Docker must mount them within the container; this example uses --mount to prevent nonexistent host paths from being accidentally created.


There is a basic test suite included in the package using tox as a test runner. Try running the tests now with


This will install the simulation code into a new isolated environment and run all of the tests. It will even test against multiple Python versions if you have them installed.

You can selectively run test environments, or add additional options to test environments. Useful sub-commands include:

  • tox -e lint: Run only the style checks.
  • tox -e type: Run only the type checks.
  • tox -e py3: Run only the unit tests.
  • tox -e py3 -- --cov: Run the unit tests and output coverage information.

Finally, you can run tox -e format to automatically reformat your code to comply with some (but unfortunately not all) of the style checks.

Code organization


    This module defines classes intended to contain all of the variables that make up the simulation state. An object of the "State" type is passed around through all of the simulation methods.

    By design, the state class does not contain any methods that mutate its own data. The state object is primarily a container that can be serialized and deserialized easily for simulation diagnostic output and checkpoints.


    This module defines a class representing the discretization of the 3D simulation domain. Any variable representing a quantity that exists over the entire spatial domain should be split into chunks defined by this grid. For more details, see nlisim.grid.


    This module contains high level, but efficient, data structures representing "cells" in the simulation. At minimum, a cell is an object containing two attributes representing the position of the cell in the domain and whether or not it is alive. This data structure is intended to be extended by modules to create cells with additional attributes and behavior.


    This module defines a subclass of a Python ConfigParser which parses ".ini" style files for runtime configuration of the simulation. While not currently enforced, it is expected that all values in the configuration object are immutable. This is the primary distinction between the simulation config and the simulation state.


    This defines the "module" API for extending the simulation. See below for a detailed description of this API.

  • modules/*

    Modules under nlisim.modules are "optional" extensions to the main simulation. They contain functions that are called in one of the extension points in the main solver: initialization and iteration. These functions could be moved to an external package, but for simplicity in this proof of concept are included with the main simulation.


    This module contains a custom exception type dedicated for errors thrown by validation methods. This along with a custom context generator defined here are intended to provide extra information about the source of errors (e.g. which module was executing) after they are thrown.


    This module uses click to generate a command-line interface for executing the simulation. Click provides a flexible API for designing high quality CLIs.

Simulation state

Absent any additional modules, the simulation state is an object containing only the following attributes:

  • time: The simulation time as a floating point number
  • grid: An instance of RectangularGrid defining the simulation discretization
  • config: An instance of SimulationConfig providing configuration options

When a module is included in the runtime configuration, its own state is included as an additional "dynamic" attribute on this object. For example when the "afumigatus" module is included, you have access to state.afumigatus containing the afumigatus module's state.

The State object API directly uses the API of the attr library. This provides things like type annotation integration, data validation, initialization, and many more features. Developers should read the attrs documentation to learn more about how to work with the state object.

Extension modules

At a high level, an extension module contains the following features:

  • configuration options
  • state variables
  • simulation lifecycle handlers:
  • construction (state memory allocation)
  • initialization (initial conditions)
  • iteration (advancing the state in time)

An extension module is registered with the simulation by providing a subclass of nlisim.module.Module. Features are added by overriding attributes on this class. The following is small example demonstrating some of the features:

import attr

from nlisim.module import ModuleModel, ModuleState

class HelloWorld(ModuleModel):
    name = 'hello_world'

    @attr.s(kw_only=True, auto_attribs=True)
    class StateClass(ModuleState):
        target: str = attr.ib(default='')

    def initialize(self, state): = self.config.get('target_string')
        return state

    def advance(self, state, previous_time):
        print(f'Hello {}!')
        return state

When enabled, this module will

  • add its hello_world namespace to the simulation state containing a new scalar value, target
  • add a configuration option under the section [hello_world]
  • initialize the state variable target to what is provided in the config file
  • print a message on every time step

Visualization Config

To visualize the output of the simulation, please add the variable names to the list visual_variables in the config file, under the [visualization] section:

visual_variables =  [
        "attributes":["iron_pool", "iteration"]

For example, to visualize the aspergillus and the alveolar geometry, the variable afumigatus.tree with attributes iron_pool and iteration and the variable geometry.lung_tissue are added to the list, followed by their VTK dataset formats.

  • structured point: points data are regularly and uniformly spaced
  • rectilinear grid: points data are regularly spaced but can be not uniform
  • structured grid: points data are not regularly and not uniformly spaced
  • unstructured grid: consists of arbitrary combinations of any possible cell type
  • polygonal data: consists of a set of discrete points, vertices, lines or polygons
Expand source code
A multiscale simulation framework of *Aspergillus fumigatus*.

.. include:: ../

    from importlib.metadata import version  # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    from importlib_metadata import version  # type: ignore

__version__ = version('nlisim')



Domain discretization interface …
